Consultancy on dispute resolution of commercial contract

A commercial contract is an agreement and document signed between the parties in order to carry out a procedure which clearly stipulates the rights and obligations between the contracting parties, providing the implementation and orientation in accordance with the law and the content agreed upon in the case. However in reality, there are still cases […]
Consultancy on land disputes

Land is one of the valuable assets and therefore it plays an important role in people’ lives. In addition, the innovation in the legal system has resulted in many difficulties in resolving land disputes. SB LAW is proud of having a team with high qualifications, professionalism, dedication and years of experience in consulting on land […]
Top 10 litigation lawyers in Hanoi

A developing country must be associated with the civilization of law. Nowadays, the law is increasingly being applied in people's lives. Be acknowledged of law is an extremely important requirement for everyone. If you do not understand the law, you should ask for help from lawyers working on legal issues. SB Law would like to […]
Advisory Lawyer

Nowadays, the law has affected all aspects of people's lives, from trading to property disputes. Therefore, being able of applying law to the reality is not simple because not everyone can thoroughly understand the nature of laws. A lawyer is the person who provides you advice and support, as well as giving you a solutions […]
Advisory and defense lawyer at Court

Hiring an advisory and defense lawyer at Court is very important to protect your legitimate rights or your relatives in the event of arising conflicts and disputes at court. Lawyers play an important role when participating in counseling and defense for the proceeding participants and the defendants as well as protecting the legitimate rights of […]
Looking for a lawyer in Ho Chi Minh City?

The role of lawyers in dispute resolution is increasingly appreciated and promoted since they play an important role in ensuring the work to comply with the law. Therefore, if you are looking for a lawyer in Ho Chi Minh City, let’s take a look through this article. Why do you need to find a lawyer […]
Barrister at law in Vietnam

Hiring legal staff to work on a monthly basis is very expensive for small businesses. In the stage of economic integration, in order to help businesses improve their competitiveness and minimize legal risks, they need to hire business litigation lawyers to give out the best plan for the company. Who is a corporate barrister? A […]
Divorce consultation lawyer

Divorce is no longer an unfamiliar issue in today's society. In fact, the rate of divorced couples is increasing due to many factors. Therefore, the divorce process is not easy and you need to consult a divorce lawyer to ensure your rights and interests. The following article will show you the importance of selecting a […]
Commercial Arbitration Lawyer

Nowadays, dispute resolution by arbitration is a method of resolving commercial disputes agreed upon by the parties and conducted in accordance with the law in the Commercial Arbitration Law. This form is increasingly applied by companies due to its less time-consuming and accuracy as well as form of high confidentiality. What is commercial arbitration? Commercial […]