Services of Registration, Partial Release, and Discharge of Secured Assets at SBLAW

In loan and mortgage transactions, the registration, partial release, and discharge of secured assets play a crucial role in establishing the rights and obligations between parties, ensuring transparency, and minimizing legal risks. 1. Registration of Secured Transactions The registration of secured transactions helps establish priority rights over secured assets. Commonly registered assets include: Land use […]

Legal Newsletter – Week from February 24, 2025, to February 28, 2025

Commerces New Mechanism for managing oil and gasoline business Draft Circular on trade defense measures Draft Circular on rules of origin of goods in the free trade agreement (Draft 2) Finance - Bank Issuing a Decision that regulates the functions, tasksm powers, and organizational structure of the Department of Planning, Finance, and Enterprise Management Immigration […]

Dividend Distribution: Timing Requirements and Key Considerations for Valid Documentation

Dividend Distribution: Timing Requirements and Key Considerations for Valid Documentation

According to the regulations, when distributing dividends to shareholders, are we required to distribute them all at the same time? When distributing dividends, What should we take into account to ensure valid records and documents? Answer: 1. Conditions for dividend distribution According to the provisions of Clause 1 and Clause 2, Article 135 of the […]

To fulfil its purpose-hình ảnh-0

To fulfil its purpose

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has proposed two major changes to Vietnam’s corporate bond market: prohibiting individual investors from buying privately-placed bonds, and requiring that publicly-issued bonds are backed by collateral. The proposals have sparked a degree of debate, with some experts agreeing that the measures would protect individual investors, who tend to have lower […]

Draft Circular Amending and Supplementing Certain Provisions of Circulars on Securities Transactions on the Securities Trading System; Securities Transaction Clearing and Settlement; Operations of Securities Companies and Information Disclosure on the Securities Market

The draft Circular proposes regulations on share purchase transactions by foreign institutional investors. Specifically, Clause 2, Article 1 of the draft Circular proposes adding Article 9a, which regulates share purchase transactions by foreign institutional investors, after Article 9 of Circular 120/2020/TT-BTC, as follows: (1) Securities companies shall assess the payment risk of foreign institutional investors […]

To fulfil its purpose-hình ảnh-0

To fulfil its purpose

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has proposed two major changes to Vietnam’s corporate bond market: prohibiting individual investors from buying privately-placed bonds, and requiring that

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