Decree No. 75/2024/NĐ-CP adjusting pensions, social insurance allowances, and monthly allowances.

Increase pension, social insurance allowance and monthly allowance by 15%

On June 30, 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 75/2024/NĐ-CP adjusting pensions, social insurance allowances, and monthly allowances. Here are some notable provisions of this Decree:   Starting from July 1, 2024, a 15% increase will be applied to pensions, social insurance allowances, and monthly allowances compared to those of June 2024:    - From […]

The new basic salary levels in direct payment of healthcare costs covered by health insurance.

The new basic salary levels in direct payment of healthcare costs covered by health insurance.

On July 1, 2024, the Ministry of Health issued Dispatch No. 3687/BYT-BH regarding the application of basic salary levels as stipulated in Decree No. 73/2024/NĐ-CP for the payment of healthcare costs covered by health insurance.   Accordingly, the Ministry of Health provides guidance on the direct payment of healthcare costs covered by health insurance from […]

List of 70 comprehensive online public services of Vietnam Social Insurance

List of 70 comprehensive online public services of Vietnam Social Insurance

Decision No. 838/QD-BHXH issued by the Vietnam Social Security on June 5, 2024, announces the list of fully online public services falling under the jurisdiction of the Vietnam Social Security for resolution. The decision comprises the following key points: The list of fully online public services under the jurisdiction of the Vietnam Social Security includes […]

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