Submitting Union Fees for Foreign Workers-SBLAW

Submitting Union Fees for Foreign Workers?

Question: Our company employs both Vietnamese and foreign workers. I would like to ask whether our company is required to pay trade union fees for foreign workers. Answer: Under the Charter of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and Section 3.2 of Guidance No. 03/HD-TLĐ dated February 20, 2020, issued by the Vietnam General Confederation […]

Consultation on Social Insurance Contribution Based on Salary- SBLAW

Consultation on Social Insurance Contribution Based on Salary

Question: Dear Lawyer, our company is currently contributing to social insurance based on the actual salary received by employees. For example: - Salary: VND 10,000,000/person/month. - Allowance: VND 660,000/person/month. - The company assumes all responsibilities for social insurance contributions and tax obligations. At present, the company calculates social insurance contributions based on the VND 10,000,000 […]

Termination of a Labor Contract Upon Expiry

Termination of a Labor Contract Upon Expiry

Question: Our company signed a fixed-term labor contract with a foreign employee for a duration of 12 months, with salary adjustments made via an annex. The company will not extend the contract with this employee. We intend to require the employee to hand over their work and will not require them to work during the […]

Working Hours Per Week and Standard Working Days

Working Hours Per Week and Standard Working Days

Question: Dear Lawyer, in our company's internal regulations and labor agreements, the following is stated: "1. Working hours: 08:00 - 17:00, lunch break from 12:00 - 13:00, Monday to Saturday, not exceeding 48 hours per week and 10 hours per day. The company encourages employees to complete their work early to take Saturdays off. Department […]

Risks Associated with Terminating an Employment Contract Due to Corporate Restructuring

Risks Associated with Terminating an Employment Contract Due to Corporate Restructuring

Question: Dear Lawyer, Our company is undergoing a restructuring process, and it is highly likely that we will need to terminate an employment contract with one of our employees. Could you please advise on the legal risks the company might face in such a situation? What consequences could we encounter if we fail to comply […]

Work Permit Exemptions

Question: I am an IT professional. Previously, I obtained worked permit from 2009 until 2012. After that, when my company apply for renewal in 2013,

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Work permit in Vietnam

Question: If I will be appointed as the chief of representative in Vietnam office, do I need a work permit or I will be eligible

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Vietnam Labour Contract

Question: Appreciate if you can provide us a quotation for drawing up a Vietnam Labour Contract. Answer: This is with regards to your email, from

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