What are the rights and obligations of the franchisors?

Nội dung bài viết

The rights and obligations of the franchisors are provided in Articles 286 and 287 of Commercial Law 2005.

The franchisors have the following rights:

-    To receive franchise sums;

-    To organize advertising for the commercial franchise system and the commercial franchise network.

-    To conduct periodical or extraordinary inspections of activities of franchisees in order to ensure the uniformity of the commercial franchise system and the stability of quality of goods and services.

The franchisors have the following obligations:

-    To supply documents guiding the commercial franchise system to franchisees;

-    To provide initial training and regular technical assistance to franchisees for managing the latter’s activities in accordance with the commercial franchise system;

-    To design and arrange places of sale of goods or provision of services at the expenses of franchisees;

-    To guarantee the intellectual property rights over objects stated in the franchising contracts;

-    To equally treat all franchisees in the commercial frachise system.

For more information about Franchise , please contact the firm, please email info@sblaw.vn, visit www.sblaw.vn

If you would like further information on What are the rights and obligations of the franchisors?, please either email to our Partners at: info@sblaw.vn or call to our Office:
Ha Noi Office: +84 (4) 62 62 0246
HCM Office: +84 (8) 35 208 101.


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