Technologies the transfer of which is encouraged
A technology the transfer of which is encouraged means high technology or progressivetechnology which satisfies one of the following requirements:
- It creates new products which are highly competitive.
- It creates a new industry or new services
- It saves energy or raw materials.
- It uses new energy resources or recycled energy.
- It protects the health of humans.
- It prevents or fights natural disasters or epidemics.
- It results in clean production or is environmentally friendly.
- It develops traditional crafts and industries.Firewall Cisco|| Juniper switch | Router cisco | thiết bị mạng cisco | thiết bị chống sét | Bộ lưu điện UPS
Technologies the transfer of which is restricted
- Transfer shall be restricted in the case of a technology aimed at any one of the following objectives:
- Protection of the national interest.
- Protection of the health of humans.
- Protection of national cultural values.
- Protection of animals and plants, natural resources or the environment.
- Implementation of a provision in an international treaty of which the Socialist Republic ofVietnam is a member.
Technologies the transfer of which is prohibited:
- A technology which fails to satisfy the requirements stipulated by the laws onoccupational safety, labour hygiene, protection of human health, and protection of natural resources and the environment.
- A technology which creates products causing harm to socio-economic development andhaving an adverse impact on national defence and security or social order and safety.
- A technology not permitted to be transferred pursuant to a provision in an international treatyof which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member.
- A technology on the list of State secrets, unless a provision of law provides otherwise.