Foreign investment in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

Question: I am Mike. I am interested in renting a shop in Vietnam to do motorcycle sales and homestay business. How do I start?


Please find our answers as follows:

We understand that you intend to rent a shop for (i) sale of motocycle and (ii) providing homestay business.

For such purpose, you shall be required to setup a foreign invested company in Vietnam by applying for Investment Registration Certificate and Enterprise Registration Certificate from the competent authority.

Upon receipt of your application dossier, competent authority shall base on international treaties to which Vietnam is a country member and local law to grant you license or not.

With the respect to sale of motocycle and homestay business, we are of opinion that Vietnam Government shall consider granting you license to carry out such business activities.

However, possibility for obtaining necessary license for those shall very much depend on your experience in the field, investment amount and location of your company. Then, please email us:

- Where will you setup company? In Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City or other province?

- How much will you invest into Vietnam?

- Will you rent a shop in a trading center for selling motocycle?

- How large is your proposed shop for selling motocycle?

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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