Establishment of Branch of Foreign Invested Company in Ho Chi Minh City

Nội dung bài viết

According to Vietnam Law on Investment and Law on Enterprises, it is possible that a company having foreign invested capital to open a branch in other provinces (Ho Chi Minh City) so that we do believe we can support well your business.

However, we would like to note that during the licensing process, the competent authority may examine carefully some following points:

Location of Branch:Company is required to provide accurate address of location where the Branch is based. Also, competent authority shall require investor to provide physical leasing agreement of location and other related documents of the location such as: Certificate of land use rights of lessor or certificate of building ownership…

Business lines of Branch:As provided by law, the Branch shall only be entitled to be registered with business lines similar from the company.

Our legal service:

S&B LAW is ready to provide package service to client for the purpose of establishing the Branch as follows:

-                Providing advices on all legal aspects relating to procedures of obtaining Branch Operation Registration Certificate for the Branch from competent authority;

-                Preparing Application Dossiers (in both Vietnamese and English) for obtaining Branch Operation Registration Certificate;

-                Representing Client to submit the Application Dossiers for obtaining Branch Operation Registration Certificate for the Branch;

-                Working with provincial competence authority on behalf of client to obtain the best support on reviewing and considering the application and providing explanation and/or supplementation of application dossiers per request;

-                Updating information of the licensing process to Client;

-                Receive Branch Operation Registration Certificate from provincial competent authority and hand it over to Client.

Our timing:

-                Within 01 (one) working day upon receipt of Client’s acceptance of this Legal Service Proposal, S&B Law shall deliver to Client checklist of necessary information and documents;

-         Within 03 (three) working days from full receipt of information and necessary documents delivered by your Company, S&B Law shall deliver Client application dossiers for reviewing and proceeding;Switch Cisco | Router Cisco | Cisco chính hãng | Máy chủ Server

-         Within 01 (one) working day from full receipt of signed document provided by Client, S&B Law shall submit application dossiers to provincial competent authority;

-         Within 30 (thirty) days from duly submission of dossier to provincial competent authority, S&B Law shall obtain Branch Operation Registration Certificate;


After completing the service contract, if Branch intends to legal advices regarding to matters related to the actual operation of the Branch or the Company including provisions applicable to labors; tax; recruitment. etc., S&B Law in Ho Chi Minh City is willing to give you the best support.

If you would like further information on Establishment of Branch of Foreign Invested Company in Ho Chi Minh City, please either email to our Partners at: or call to our Office:

Ha Noi Office: +84 (4) 62 62 0246

HCM Office: +84 (8) 35 208 101.


Contact us for 24/7 consulting support

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