Are foreign-invested enterprises in the form of Limited Liabilities sep up under the former Law on foreign Investment considered as Limited Liabilities Companies under the current Enterprise Law?

Nội dung bài viết

According to the former Law on Foreign Investment, joint venture enterprises and wholly-foreign owned enterprise formed up in the form of limited liability companies (Article 6, Article 15 of the Law on Foreign Investment);

In Article 6 Decree 101/2006/ND-CP date 21/9/2006 on re-registration, conversion and registration for renewal of Investment Certificates by foreign investment business under the Enterprise Law and the Investment Law, the joint venture enterprises and wholly - foreign owned enterprises formed up under the former Law on Foreign Investment may re-register or convert as follows:

Form of Enterprise under the Investment License Form of Enterprise following re-registration or conversion
1. According to re-registration procedure
Wholly-foreign invested enterprises having one owned One member Limited Liabilities Companies
Joint venture Enterprise

Wholly foreign invested enterprises with at least 2 owners

Limited Liabilities Companies with at least 2 member
2. According to the conversion procedures:
Wholly foreign invested enterprise with at least 2 owners One-member Limited Liabilities Companies

As such, in principle, foreign invested business set up in the form of Limited Enterprise Liabilities Companies under the former Law on Foreign Investment shall be considered as limited liabilities companies under the current Enterprise Law.

If you would like further information on Are foreign-invested enterprises in the form of Limited Liabilities sep up under the former Law on foreign Investment considered as Limited Liabilities Companies under the current Enterprise Law?, please either email to our Partners at: or call to our Office:
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