Transfer of shares of Vietnam company

Nội dung bài viết

Question: I am a american investor. I am keen to know about transfer of shares or acquisation of shares. I have helped to set up a company with my vietnamese partner about 9 months ago.

The company has t vietnamese directors .

I understand that it is possible to transfer shares to foreigner after 6 months, is that correct? I would also like to add more local vietnamese directors to the company.
Answer: I am Lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to provide you legal advice regarding to your inquiry below.

Under Vietnam Law, there is no time limitation after setting up company for transferring shares to foreign investor. Generally, investors restraint transferring shares to foreign investor right after setting up company for avoidance of any doubt from competent authority on transparency of related transaction.

Could you help providing us further information of business activities of the company after share acquisition?

This information is necessary for us to assess complexity of the case.


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