Cancellation proceeding of trademark in Vietnam

The procedure for the cancellation proceeding of trademark in National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP) is brief as follows: After the cancellation is filed with the NOIP, the NOIP will consider the request withing 3-6 months from the filing date. If the request is found appropriate, the NOIP will send an official Notification […]
Trademark Cancellation Proceeding in Vietnam

A cancellation action may be filed by any third party at any time within five (5) years from the date of registration if it can be evidenced that the mark does not meet the criteria for protection. After five years of registration, the registered mark will become incontestable and no cancellation action is available. However, […]
Vietnam Trademark Opposition Proceeding

Under the current IP Law of Vietnam, opposition is not considered as a seperate proceeding, it is only considered as a reference in the examination proceeding of trademark applications. Within a period from the publication date of the application and the date on that a decision on granting a certificate of trademark registration is issued […]
Recordal of assignment/licence agreement of trademark in Vietnam

The assignment of a registered mark/pending application should be recorded with the TM Office as soon as possible to make it legally effective and enforceable. To recordal of an assignment agreement, the following documents are required at the time of filing: i) A Power of Attorney, which is simply signed by the Assignee or the Assignor. No […]
Recordal of change of name and/or address of trademark in Vietnam

As stipulated, any changes which likely affect the Trademark Registration, such as change of name and/or address, merger of the trademark owner should be recorded with the TM Office as soon as practicable. For recordal of change of name and/or address of the trademark owner, the following documents are required at the time of filing: i) A Power […]
Vietnam Renewal Trademark

A trademark registration is valid for a period of ten years commencing from the filing date of the application and can be renewed for subsequent ten-year term, ad infinitum. Late renewal is allowable within a 6 month period after the expiry date of the registration, subject to payment for late renewal. For filing a renewal […]
Vietnam Trademark Registration

Please be advised that In Vietnam, multi-class applications are acceptable i.e. an application can be filed for more than one class of goods or service with payment of additional fee for additional class. Class headings or general description of goods/services is no longer acceptable. To avoid a potential official action, it is necessary to designate […]
Vietnam Trademark Search

A trademark search prior to filing a trademark application is not compulsory, however it is highly recommended by us to save time and costs since the duration for trademark registration in Vietnam is rather long, in around one year. SB Law isable to conduct registrability searches with the National Officeof Intellectual Property (NOIP)and the search […]
SB Law protect Tan A Dai Thanh trademark abroad.

SB Law represented the Intellectual Property and Trademark Protection internationally to Tan A Dai Thanh. "As a first business in the field of metal household, Tan A Dai Thanh Corporation was established in 1993 with Tan A products being stainless steel watertank and plastic water tanks. Over 20 years, the Corporation always led in applying […]