Vietnam trademark watch service inquiry

Question: Now we are company based on Hongkong who would like to do a trademark watch project in Vietnam. Please let us know you fees for the watch service (mainly let us know the new trademark application and published trademark)for one trademark in one class for one year and the fees for one trademark in the […]
Filing a Trademark in Australia

Question: My company wanted to file a trademark in Australia. I need a quote for trademark in Australia from Filing to Obtaining the certificate of registration. Kindly let me know all the fees in advanced and in nett. I do not want to have reimbursement charges, posting, informing, etc. SB LAW: Thanks for your following […]
An inquiry of Trademark registration in Vietnam

Client: We are Korean company and want to register their trademark in VN, so I would like to work with your law firm if you provide me with the best quotation. Looking forward to your prompt feedback, SBLAW: Thanks for your following letter. As your inquiry, we would like to advise you on procedure and fee […]
Inquiry on Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Question: I'm sending this email to trademark attorney of SB LAW in regards to trademark registrations in Vietnam. Our company is a foreign company incorporated in the UK, and we're interested in registering trademarks in Vietnam as part of our IP protection procedures. I learned that this is your expertise and something that you can provide professional service […]
Trademark Registration in Vietnam

Question: We are a Company dealing with the manufacturing of Cosmetic products, with quite a few Registered Trademarks having a very good reputation in Korea, planning to do the same internationally too. Kindly furnish a quotation with the following details in your country: 1. Fees for a detailed Search Report. 2. Fees for every stage […]
Power of Attorney for trademark registration in Laos

SB Law would like to provide you the form of Power of Attorney for trademark registration in Laos.
Brazilian Trademark Registration

Statutory basis The Brazilian trademark law is codified in Law No. 9.279/1996 [Lei da Propriedade Industrial; LPI]. As the system follows the “first to file principle” and the concept of an unregistered mark is – with the exception of very specific circumstances – foreign to the LPI, trademark protection can only be obtained via registration […]
Sri Lanka trademark registration

SB Law would like to advise you procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Sri Lankaas follows: 1. Time frame 12-16months 2. Required documents In order to file trademark in Sri Lanka, the applicant shall provide S&B LAW with the following documents: a) A Letter of Authorization from the Applicant (Sign […]
Cambodia trademark registration

As leading International IP attorney, S&B Law is capable of assisting client with handling all intellectual property matters in Cambodia in an efficient and cost-competitive manner. As the trademark matter, we would like to advise client on legal procedure in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Cambodia as follows: Some notes about trademark registration in Cambodia. […]