Function of representative office in Vietnam

Question: What are the activities of R.O in Vietnam? Under Vietnam Law, representative office shall be allowed to carry out following activities: 1. The performance of the function of liaison offices. 2. The formulation of cooperation projects of foreign traders in Vietnam. 3. Studies of the market in order to promote opportunities to buy or sell […]
Change of the rep. office of foreign company in Vietnam

Question: I am UK citizen and chief of representative office in Vietnam, at the moment, I have two questions for you? 1. Can I take over the representative from other representative office in Vietnam without any problem? If so, how long it will take and what is your service fee? 2. If I hire a staff, can the […]
Establishment of Representative Office in Vietnam for Singapore company

This is reference to your email from which, we understand that your company in Singapore, (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) is now seeking legal advices for establishment of Representative Office in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as “R.O”). We thereforeare grateful to present you our Legal Services Proposal for your review and consideration. 1.Scope of works […]
Representative office in Vietnam

Under Decree No.07/2016/ND-CP of Vietnam Government detailing Trade Law’s regulations on representative offices, branches of foreign company in Vietnam, a foreign company can set up representative office in Vietnam to Operate as contact office of foreign company in Vietnam; Promote cooperation projects of foreign company in Vietnam; Research market to push up chances to purchase […]
Assistance to set up rep office in Hanoi

Question: I'm writing on behalf of the Hongkong subsidiary of the French company. We are interested in establishing of the representative office of this subsidiary in Hanoi. I reviewed the information represented on your web-site and would like to get some additional information: 1) How long does it usually take to open the office? From […]
Inquiryon registering representative office in Hanoi and HCM City.

Question: I want to register rep office on behalf of our main company in UK Please let me know the cost in Hanoi and HCM. Please write us all costs related I need to spend to you. Do you have some other UKclients or clients from Western countries? How long I need to wait to […]
Post licensing procedure for Representative office in Vietnam

After obtaining the Establishment License for the Representative Office (RO), RO needs to implement the post-licensing procedure as follows: A. Tax Declaration Procedure: According to the applicable laws, the tax declaration procedure should be finished within 10 working days after obtaining the Establishment License for the Rep Office. Therefore, RO should prepare the following task […]
Adjustment of operation license for representative office in Vietnam

SBLaw would like to give advice on supporting the tax settlement procedures for head of representative offices and implementing the adjustment of operation license for representative offices in Vietnam. Our scope of services is as follows: Preparation of the application documents (about 3-5 working days): Notifying application documents required in accordance with Vietnamese law; Drafting application documents […]
Legal advice for closing Representative office in Vietnam

We understand that foreign company (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) is now seeking legal advices for closing Representative Office in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as “R.O”). We therefore are grateful to present you our Legal Services Proposal for your review and consideration 1. PROCEDURES FOR CLOSING RO Under the Vietnam’s Decree No. 72/2006/ND-CP of […]