Services of Registration, Partial Release, and Discharge of Secured Assets at SBLAW

Nội dung bài viết

In loan and mortgage transactions, the registration, partial release, and discharge of secured assets play a crucial role in establishing the rights and obligations between parties, ensuring transparency, and minimizing legal risks.

1. Registration of Secured Transactions

The registration of secured transactions helps establish priority rights over secured assets. Commonly registered assets include:

  • Land use rights, houses, and assets attached to land;
  • Vehicles (cars, ships, airplanes, etc.);
  • Machinery and production equipment;
  • Property rights, shares, capital contributions, etc.

2. Partial Release of Secured Assets

When seeking to reduce a portion of the secured assets under a mortgage agreement while maintaining the secured transaction, customers must carry out the procedure for partial release of secured assets in accordance with regulations.

3. Discharge of Secured Assets

The discharge of secured assets is the process of canceling the registration when the secured obligation has been fulfilled. After discharge, the asset is no longer bound by the mortgage obligation.

4. Methods for Submitting Applications for Registration, Partial Release, and Discharge of Secured Assets

Customers can choose one of the following methods to submit their applications:

  • Direct Submission: At the Land Registration Office or the National Registration Agency for Secured Transactions.
  • Submission via Email: In certain cases, applications can be sent via email to the registration authority for further guidance.
  • Online Submission: Through the online registration portal of the National Registration Agency for Secured Transactions at To submit an online application, customers need to create an account on the system.

SB Law is committed to providing professional, prompt, and dedicated support to help clients complete procedures smoothly. If you need consultation or assistance with the registration, partial release, or discharge of secured assets, please contact SB Law for detailed guidance.



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