Regulations on Submitting E-Prequalification Applications, E-Initial Proposals, and E-Dossiers for Project Execution

Nội dung bài viết

On June 12, 2024, the Minister of Planning and Investment issued Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BKHĐT amending Circular No. 09/2021/TT-BKHĐT on guiding the selection of investors for public-private partnership (PPP) projects and land-using investment projects, and Circular No. 10/2022/TT-BKHĐT on guiding the provision, posting of information, and selection of investors on the National E-Procurement System.


In particular, Clauses 2 and 5 of Article 2 of Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BKHĐT have amended certain contents of Article 20 of Circular No. 10/2022/TT-BKHĐT (regulations on submitting E-Prequalification Applications (E-HSQT), E-Initial Proposals (E-HSDST), and E-Dossiers for Project Execution (E-HSĐKTHDA)).


Accordingly, the regulations on submitting E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA from July 26, 2024 (the effective date of Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BKHĐT) are as follows:


(1) Submission Process for E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA on the System:

For PPP projects and land-using investment projects:

- Investors enter information as required by the E-Prequalification Document (E-KSQT), E-Initial Proposal Document (E-HSMST), and E-Request for Qualification and Proposal (E-YCSBNLKN) on the System in the webform format, attach files to form the E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA, and submit them on the System.

- For contents related to legal status, capacity, and experience documentation, and the investor’s responses to E-KSQT, E-HSMST, and E-YCSBNLKN, investors must declare in the webform and attach scanned copies of documents proving legal status, capacity, and experience. If there are discrepancies between the declared information in the webform and the scanned documents, the investor will be required to clarify. Evaluation will be based on the E-HSQT, E-HSDST, E-HSĐKTHDA, and the investor's clarifications, with verified information and documents submitted on the System.


(2) In the case of a consortium, the leading member or the member assigned in the consortium agreement will submit the E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA and attach the consortium agreement on the System.


(3) The System will notify the investor of the submission status of E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA (successful or unsuccessful) via the email address registered by the investor.

The information recorded on the System, including sender, recipient, submission time, submission status, and the number of files attached when submitting E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA, will be the basis for resolving any complaints or disputes (if any).


(4) Upon the deadline for submitting E-HSQT, E-HSDST, and E-HSĐKTHDA, the procuring entity, project preparation unit, or the agency/unit responsible for receiving PPP project proposals, the Department of Planning and Investment, and the Economic Zone Management Board for land-using investment projects will access the System to evaluate E-HSQT (if the E-KSQT is prepared as specified in point b, clause 1, Article 4 of Circular No. 10/2022/TT-BKHĐT) and E-HSĐKTHDA submitted by the investors.


Thus, compared to the current provisions in Article 20 of Circular No. 10/2022/TT-BKHĐT, Circular No. 10/2024/TT-BKHĐT has removed the term “project execution registration dossier.”


This Circular takes effect from July 26, 2024.


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