SBLAW is a international IP agent and would like to provide some information on registering trademark in Laos as follows:
1. Trademark search (Optional):
In order to verify the registrability of trademark in LAOS, applicant should conduct a search of trademark. The result will show that whether or not your trademark is similar to trademark registered by other applicants for the same product/service.
Time frame: 05-07 working days
1.1. Required documents:
The applicant shall send SBLAW the following documents:
(i) 05 samples of trademark;
(ii) List of products/service bearing trademark
2. Register trademark in Laos
2.1 Required documents:
In order to file trademark in LAOS, the applicant shall provide S&B LAW the following documents:
(i) 05 samples of trademark (size 8 cm x 8 cm);
(ii) Power of Attorney (Provided by SBLAW);
(iii) List of products/service bearing trademark.
2.2 Time Frame: 6-8 months