Products Registration in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

Question: We would like to expand our market to Vietnam and would be interested to know the costs to register our products in Vietnam, in order to able to export our products to Vietnam.

Answer: We understand that you intend to register your cosmetic products in Vietnam for import.

Under Vietnam Law, in order to register cosmetic product, you must have an Importer who shall hold the product registration. The importer can be your subsidiary or your distributor in Vietnam.

Please note that only Product Registration Holder is allowed to import your registered products into Vietnam.

It shall take you about 25 working days from submission of application dossier to MOH to complete cosmetic product registration. For this purpose, we shall need you to provide us:

+ Brand name of the Product: For example, ABC

+ Product name: For example, Lipstick

+ Use of product: For example: Skin whiterning

+ List of ingredient of products and ratio thereof

+ Legalized Certificate of Free Sale of the products issued by Indonesian Authority.

+ Legalized Power of Attorney issued by the Manufacturer to Importer in Vietnam to register the product with MOH.

Please note that registration term of a cosmetic product shall be 5 years. After 5 years, you shall have to start new registration.

The application dossier shall be submitted online and there is no hard copy of Cosmetic Proclamation (Final result) issued. The Cosmetic Proclamation shall be delivered in PDF format. You can check the final result on Information Portal of MOH on cosmetic. Upon import into Vietnam, Custom shall check whether the imported product is registered with MOH or not through such Information Portal for custom clearance.

Our fee for registration of one cosmetic product shall be 400USD. The fee is exclusive of VAT (10%).


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