Product registration in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

Question: I am after the notification / registration of hand soaps and hand sanitiser.

Could you please advise if hand sanitiser is classified as medicine in Vietnam. If yes, can you help us with this registration?

I also need help with the registration in of cosmetics.

Answer: SBLAW would like to advise you as follows:

According to our understanding, hand sanitiser is not for treating or diagnostic of a disease. Then, it is not classified to pharmaceutical product, but cosmetic product.
For registration of cosmetic product, you must have at least 01 distributor in Vietnam.
The distributor shall be the person who hold the product registration and shall be responsible for import and distribution of such cosmetic products in Vietnam.
It shall take you about 30 days from submission of application dossier to the competent authority for completing cosmetic product's registration.
Our expense for registration of cosmetic product shall be 400USD/01 product. The fee is exclusive of VAT: 10%.
If you have any further inquiry, do not hesitate to contact us.


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