Procedures for Hiring Foreign Workers in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

Our company is looking to hire foreign workers in Vietnam. What procedures must we follow to comply with legal regulations?

The recruitment of foreign workers in Vietnam must comply with labor laws, particularly the 2019 Labor Code and Decree 152/2020/ND-CP on the management of foreign workers in Vietnam.

Steps for hiring foreign workers:

  1. Determine the need for foreign workers:

    • Before hiring, the company must submit an application explaining the need for foreign workers to the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs or the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs (depending on the case).

    • Required documents: Justification for employing foreign workers, a copy of the business registration certificate, and relevant job-related documents.

    • Processing time: 10 working days.

  2. Apply for a work permit:

    • Once the request to employ foreign workers is approved, the company must submit a work permit application for the foreign worker.

    • Required documents: Work permit application form, health certificate, criminal record certificate, proof of work experience, academic qualifications (if applicable), notarized passport copy, and a 4x6 photo.

    • Processing time: 5 working days.

  3. Sign a labor contract and report employment of foreign workers:

    • After obtaining the work permit, the company must sign a written labor contract with the foreign worker and report their employment to local labor authorities.


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