Operating petroleum business

Nội dung bài viết

On June 13, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Official Dispatch No. 4065/BCT-TTTN on operating petroleum business.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade announces the base prices of popular consumer petroleum products on the market, as follows:

  • E5RON92 gasoline increased by 169 VND, to 21,310 VND/liter, kg;
  • RON 95-III gasoline increased by 258 VND, to 22,235 VND/liter, kg;
  • Diesel oil 0.05S increased by 218 VND, to 19,640 VND/liter, kg;
  • Kerosene increased by 302 VND, to 19,859 VND/liter, kg;
  • 180CST 3.5S fuel oil decreased by 396 VND, down to 16,889 VND/liter, kg.

Adjustment of selling prices of petroleum products: Set by the main petroleum traders and petroleum distributors but no later than 15:00 on June 13, 2024 for discounted items, not earlier than 15:00 on June 13, 2024 for items with increased prices.


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