Legal Service Proposal on reviewing documents relating to employment

Nội dung bài viết

Question: Our company is now seeking legal advices for reviewing the terms and conditions of an Employee Handbook and Employment Agreement. Please quote.


We understand that Client is now seeking legal advices for the terms and conditions of an Employee Handbook and Employment Agreement. Therefore, we are grateful to set our legal services proposal for your review and consideration as follows:


1.1 SB Law’s scope of work shall be as follows:

a, Reviewing the terms and conditions of the Employee Handbook and the Employment Agreement (the “Documents).;

b, Giving legal advice on the terms and conditions of the Documents;

c, As per requested by Client, if any, SB Law shall make amendments and fulfil the Documents based on Client’s comments (not exceeding 3 times or 5 working hours) to give Client a complete Documents, any arising working hours shall be calculated based on the working hour

1.2 Time schedule and steps of performance:

a, Within 05 (five) working days after the Client has provided with necessary information and has paid SB Law 50% Service Fees under Section 4 hereunder, SB Law shall review the terms and conditions of the Documents and send via email to Client the legal opinion on the terms and conditions of the

b, Client shall review and give your comments on any amendment and supplement to the Documents within 03 (three) working days from the date of receiving SB Law’s legal advice.

c, SB Law shall make amendments and supplements to the Documents and re-send to Client the second revision within 03 (three) working days from the date of receiving Client’s

d, Client shall be entitled to give your comments on any amendment and supplement to the aforesaid revisions with the maximum of three times. For the forth time onward, SB Law shall charge a Fee for Amendment in accordance with Section 4 hereunder. Any following comments to the revision of the Documents shall be carried out similarly to the process as mentioned in point (b) and (c) of Section 3.2 herein.

e, The commencement date of services will be either the date of receiving advance payment or when required documents and information are accomplished by Client, whichever is

f, All work shall be performed during prime shift, Monday through Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., except National Holidays, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Client and SB

g, Any delay in schedule due to reason beyond SB Law responsibilities including but not limited to the change of laws, change of working schedule of related competent authorities, response to action of competent authority, request of change made by Client and etc. shall not be included in the Service Schedule.

2.            SERVICE FEES

SB Law’s service fees shall be as follows:

a, Fee for reviewing, giving legal advice and translating the Documents shall be 30,597,000 VND (Thirty million five hundred and ninety seven thousand Vietnam Dong).

b, Fee for Amendment to the revision of the Documents from the forth time onward shall be 4,500,000 VND per working hour (Four million and five hundred thousand Vietnam Dong).

The above-mention Service Fees are not included 10% VAT; costs for travelling and accomodation of lawyers (if any); bank charge and other related costs.

The service fee is based on the approach, assumptions, dependencies, expectations, scope of services and implementation schedule specified in this Legal Service Proposal. SB Law reserves the right to re-quote the service fee and review the service schedule in the event of changes in the scope of requirements.


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