Nội dung bài viết


Hi SB Law, I am a citizen of Britain and I need your advices regarding the laws of Vietnam. Basically, in 2017, I am married to a Vietnamese woman, our engagement procedures were done in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. But after 3 years, the marriage came to a dead end. We are currently living apart from each other (I live in the UK now and my wife lives in Vietnam) and I have also found new love during this time. Because of that, I really want to divorce with my ex-wife as soon as possible. Can SB Law introduces me to your legal services so that I can refer to it more thoroughly? Many thanks.


SB Law thank you for your interest in our legal consulting services. Regarding your questions, we would like to advise as follows:

SB Law understands that currently you (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) is looking for a professional law firm to support Client in divorce proceedings at Vietnamese Court. Therefore, we are grateful to set the scope of work and the performance time of the legal services proposal for your review and consideration as follows:

Scope of work:

            Following works are proposed based on the request of Client, scope of services provided by SB Law to Client is inclusive of following items:

  1. Studying subject matters to be interested by Client;
  2. Support the Client in divorce proceedings at Vietnamese Court;
  3. Consulting and exchange with Client on the solution method of case;
  4. All of documents shall be made in the English and Vietnamese languages.

Performance Time:

            Prolonged time of the lawsuit will be as provision and the Court’s procedure. As stipulated by law, the duration of Resolution Sessions generally lasts 04 – 06 months from the date the Court accepts the divorce application. Actual time may be extended by external factors which derived from the court or from a combination of the two parties.

Scope of work for this stage will terminate at the one of the following times without depend on SB Law’s will:

  •  The plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit.
  •  Mediation is successful in or out of Court.
  • The end of fist instance court session and the court issued a first-instance judgment.


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