Labor Law questions in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

Question: I am UK citizen and I am the President of Operations for a London based company that seeks to do more business in Vietnam.

I have some questions as follows:

We have regarding the set up and operation of a satellite office in Vietnam.

  1. We work with several factories in Vietnam. Is it possible for them to employ people that are on their payroll so as to follow all Vietnamese labor law, yet have us pay them for the added staff that they have for us. Thus we are under their umbrella.
  2. If we have a U.K. Citizen that works as an independent contractor for us in Vietnam ( we pay him directly) such as a Quality control person. Can we end that persons work with our company at any time we choose.

Answer:  I am Lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to support you on issues mentioned in your email.

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong:

1. Factories in Vietnam shall employ persons working for them. Factories in Vietnam pay them Salary. Your office shall finance factories so that they can have enough money to pay salary for employee.
This structure can be acceptable. However, factories and your company shall have to enter into an agreement to reflect that.
2. You can have one UK Citizen to act as an independent contractor in Vietnam for you and you end them to work with your company at any time that you choose.
However, you or your business partner in Vietnam shall have to support him so that he can obtain working visa to work in Vietnam.
If you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us.


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