2.1. Determining the Patentability of an Invention
Before submitting a patent application, it is essential to evaluate the invention based on the following factors:
- Assessing the protection criteria: Determine whether the invention meets the three key criteria of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.
- Checking against non-patentable subject matter: Verify whether the invention falls under the list of non-patentable objects specified in Article 59 of the 2005 Intellectual Property Law to avoid rejection.
2.2. Evaluating the Feasibility and Benefits of the Invention
Before deciding to apply for patent protection, it is important to analyze and consider the following aspects:
- Commercial potential: Does the invention provide economic value and marketability?
- Manufacturing feasibility: Can the invention be practically applied and mass-produced?
Economic benefits: Will patent protection bring financial advantages to the owner?
See more at: Intellectual Property