Copyright protection in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

Question: I found your contact via your company website. We are a production company of online programs from China.  The programs we produced are usually subscription based, which means audience have to pay a monthly for the service.  We realise that recently a person has been uploading our program to YouTube without our authorisation.  We have made complain to YouTube, but they require us to perform further action.   Therefore, we are seeking help to file a court case against this person.  By first, we would like to send the person and YouTube a letter about copyright infringement. Is your company able to help on this matter? Please quote.


We thank you and would like to confirm that we are able to help your company on this matter.

In order to perform the action, please provide us the following documents and information:

- The Power of Attorney (its form attached);

- Certified copy of the copyright;

- The information of alleged infringer (Name and address);

Our fee for this matter is USD 500 (per letter). This fee does not include 5%VAT, bank fee and other such as translation fee and communication fee.


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