Continue to remove difficulties and support production and business activities

Nội dung bài viết

On June 28, 2023, the Minister of Finance issued Circular No. 43/2024/TT-BTC stipulating the rates for certain fees and charges to continue easing difficulties and supporting business production and operations.

Accordingly, some fees and charges will be reduced by 50% compared to the current rates from the date Circular No. 43/2024/TT-BTC takes effect until December 31, 2024.
Highlighted fees and charges include:
- Appraisal fees for business activities involving restricted goods and services in the trade sector; appraisal fees for business activities involving conditional goods and services in the trade sector for business entities that are organizations or enterprises; appraisal fees for business activities involving conditional goods and services in the trade sector for business entities that are business households or individuals.
- Fees for issuing licenses for the establishment and operation of non-bank credit institutions.
- Fees for filing applications for intellectual property rights protection.
- Appraisal fees for fire prevention and control design approval.
- Appraisal fees for issuing licenses for international travel business and domestic travel business services.
- Fees and charges in the securities sector.

This Circular is effective from July 1, 2024, until December 31, 2024.


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