Consultation services on bankruptcy

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When companies operate ineffectively, re-structuring companies or improving its model will contribute to the efficiency of enterprises and avoid bankruptcy or dissolution.

Re-structuring consulting services will help companies re-evaluate status of its organization and business, basing on this, it will help companies to re-structure and operate more effectively.

In the case of restructuring, providing that the company want to go bankruptcy, SB Law will assist companies on legal issues in which enterprises can conduct procedure lawfully and effectively.

Consultating services on re-structuring include:

To research and give legal advices on re-assessing the current organization as well as business status of companies;

To research and consult on form of re-organizing companies including re-arranging company members; co-operating companies; subsidiary companies;

To consult and conduct procedure relating to arranging and re-organizing companies under the law;

To consult and conduct procedure aim to changing the form of company, such as turning Limited Liability Company into Shareholding Company or corporation into co-operating groups;

To give legal advices and conduct procedure relating to changing portion of owned capital of companies in order to match with its business model.

Consultative services on Bankruptcy include:

To prepare and complete bankruptcy files in voluntary bankrupt cases at courts;

To consult and give legal advices on petitioning about opening bankrupt procedure in mandatory bankrupt cases at courts;

To consult in establishing restoration business measures of companies;

To consult debt liquidation, property liquidation in the bankruptcy process;

To consult legal issues relating to company’s activities prohibited or restricted from the date of received opening bankruptcy decisions;

To represent enterprises in settling disputes in relation with any third party in the duration of conducting bankrupt procedure;

To consult other cases relating to bankrupt procedure when requested.


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