Certificate of job-recommending activities in Vietnam

Nội dung bài viết

To be granted the Certificate ofjob-recommending activities, your Company has to satify the following conditions:

  • Having stable head-office at convenient place and large enough for enterpries’s transactions and activities. If the head-office are rented, its leasing duration must be at least for 36 months or longer;
  • Having at least 300 milion VND deposited at a commercial bank operating in Vietnam for possible risks and compensations in the course of operation;
  • Having room for consultancy activities, room for job recommendation and labor supply, room for labor-market information activities and computers, telephones, faxes, emails and documents related to labor market and other equipment;
  • Having at least 5 (five) officials of collegial or higher degree in economics, law, foreign languages, who have clear back-ground, good moral qualities and no criminal records.

Procedures for Certificate of job-recommending activities:

  • To consult and answer all of your enquires regarding to apply Certificate of job-recommending activities;
  • To draft application dossier to apply for granting Certificate of job-recommending activities;
  • To conduct, on behalf of your Company, all necessary procedures at competent authorities until Certificateof job-recommending activitiesis granted;
  • To receive, on behalf of your Company, Certificateof job-recommending activities, and handover to your Company.

Procedures for Certificate of job-recommending activities:

  • The duration of time for drafting application dossier: within 03 working days from the date that your Company provides fully documents at SBLaw’s requests.
  • The duration of time for granting: within 20 working days from the date the sufficient submission.

If you would like further information on Certificate of job-recommending activities in Vietnam, please either email to our Partners at: info@sblaw.vn or call to our Office:

Ha Noi Office: +84 (4) 62 62 0246

HCM Office: +84 (8) 35 208 101.


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