Certificate of import tags containing RFID electronic integrated circuits license

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Our company is a Member Limited Liability Company located in Long An, we are planning to make Certificate of import tags containing RFID electronic integrated circuits license. In this case, what steps do we need to take?


RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses radio waves to passively identify a tagged object, allowing a device to read information stored in a chip from a distance without direct contact or any physical interaction between two unvisible objects. This technology provides a means for transmitting and receiving data from one point to another. Accordingly, a paper label containing an integrated RFID electronic circuit is described as a smart card.

Civil cryptographic products include cryptographic documents and technical and professional equipment used to protect information not classified as state secret (clause 1 Article 30 of the Law on Cyberinformation Security 2015).

Accordingly, Smart Cards is listed in the List of civil cryptographic products exported and imported under the License in Appendix II of Decree 58/2016/ND-CP.

Thus, if you want to import tags containing RFID electronic integrated circuits, you must apply for a Import License, accordingly:

Conditions for the company to be granted a license (Article 34 of the Law on Cybersecurity 2015):

  • Possessing a license for trading in civil cryptographic products and services;
  • Having to-be-imported civil cryptographic products certified and announced as conformable with regulations;
  • Ensuring that users and use purposes of civil cryptographic products do not harm national defense and security or social order ad safety.

Document requirements:

  • An application for a permit for export and import of civil cryptographic products;
  • A copy of the license for trading in civil cryptographic products and services;
  • A copy of the regulation conformity certificate, for civil cryptographic products to be imported.

Read more >>  Vietnam Trademark Registration


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