Application of VAT Policy

Nội dung bài viết

On August 28, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter No. 3813/TCT-CS regarding VAT.

According to the regulations, in principle, if a business entity is subject to VAT and qualifies for the VAT policy applicable to export processing enterprises under VAT law before the VAT policy is applied, it must follow the relevant VAT regulations.

In cases where the Tax Department determines that a company has a new investment project, is in the investment phase with VAT input arising during the investment period, and the company has submitted VAT declarations for the investment project for the periods Q1/2023 to Q3/2023 and has filed a VAT refund request, the Tax Department will review and process the request according to regulations and within its authority.

For VAT input on investment projects arising from the tax declaration period Q4/2023 to Q1/2024, and before the company is granted the fourth change in investment registration certification as an export processing enterprise, the company must submit VAT declarations and VAT refund requests for the investment project in accordance with tax management regulations.


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