Adjustment of Petroleum Prices

Nội dung bài viết

On May 16, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Circular No. 3250/BCT-TTTN regarding the management of petroleum business operations.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade announces the base prices for commonly consumed petroleum products in the market as follows:


  • E5RON92 Gasoline: Reduced by 508 Vietnamese dong per liter, now priced at 22,115 Vietnamese dong per liter.
  • RON 95-III Gasoline: Reduced by 409 Vietnamese dong per liter, now priced at 23,135 Vietnamese dong per liter.
  • Diesel 0.05S: Increased by 26 Vietnamese dong per liter, now priced at 19,873 Vietnamese dong per liter.
  • Kerosene: Increased by 207 Vietnamese dong per liter, now priced at 19,908 Vietnamese dong per liter.
  • Mazut 180 CST 3.5S: Reduced by 85 Vietnamese dong per liter, now priced at 17,418 Vietnamese dong per liter.

Regarding the adjustment of selling prices for petroleum products: Petroleum business entities, including both primary distributors and retailers, must implement the price adjustments no later than 3:00 PM on May 16, 2024, for reduced-price products and no earlier than 3:00 PM on the same date for increased-price products.


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