Registering service mark in Vietnam

In case the client would like to register the service mark in Vietnam, as the leading intellectual property firm in Vietnam, it is ensured that we will provide the client qualified service with competitive fee. We would like to advise procedure and fee for registering the service trademark in Vietnam as hereafter: I. TRADEMARK […]
Special Consumption Tax

Scope of application (SB Law) Special consumption tax (“SCT”) is applied to the production or import of certain goods and the provision of certain services, which are either luxury or discouraged for consumption. In particular, the following goods and services are subject to SCT: (a) Goods: Cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco preparations used for smoking, […]
Value Added Tax

(SB Law) VAT applies to the supply of goods and services for use in production, business or consumption in Vietnam. VAT is calculated on the sale/purchase price of the relevant goods or service before the addition of VAT. The applicable VAT rates are 0%, 5% and 10%, of which the normal rate of 10% is […]
Legal Updates 3\12\2013

THE HIGHEST FEE FOR VERIFYING MEDICAL PROFESSION STANDARS IS VND 20 MILLION The Ministry of Finance issued the Circular No. 03/2013/TTBTC dated January 08, 2013 on the fees for verifying conditional lines of business; the fees for verifying the standards and conditions for medical practice and pharmacy practice; the fees for issuing License to import, […]
New regulation on amending the company income tax preferences

On November 15, 2012, Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 199/2012/TT-BTC guiding the implementation of the Decree No. 122/2011/NĐ-CP dated 27/12/2011 on amending the company income tax preferences for companies being enjoyed the company income tax incentives by meeting the conditions on the export rate which are terminated by meeting the conditions on the export […]
Foreign entities must pay the Company Income Tax (CIT) for equity transfer operation.

Under the Dispatch No. 3835/TCT-CS of General Department of Taxation dated 01/11/2012, the equity transferring of foreign entities are regulated as follows: - In case the foreign entity, which contributing capital in the Vietnamese company, transfers capital to abroad parent company, this entity must pay CIT for equity transferring if arising income. - In case […]
Circular on the establishment and operation of Securities Company

Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 210/2012/TT-BTC dated November 30, 2012 for guiding the establishment and operation of Securities Company. The details of this circular are: - Securities Company, which is established as joint stock entity or limited liability entity with two or more members, must have at least two founding shareholders or members, which […]
Capital requirement for foreign-owned projects in Vietnam.

(S&B Law) When investing in Vietnam, one of the biggest concerns of investor is the investment capital of the projects. Under the regulation on investment, the investment capital is the total amount of charter capital and loan. Additionally, there are some business lines requesting the legalized capital such as real estate, finance. However, when examining […]
Opportunities, challenges of Vietnam’s economy in 2013

A conference highlighting the opportunities and challenges for the Vietnamese economy in 2013 was held in HCM City on March 1, attracting the participation of numerous businesses and economists. The event, organised by the Vietnam Economic Times, aimed to share information and experience among businesses, and find out ways to promote their activities in the […]