Pho is widely celebrated as the quintessential national dish of Vietnam, symbolizing the country’s rich culinary heritage and enjoyed by people of all backgrounds. In 2007, “Pho” was added to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. As defined in Oxford Learner’’s Dictionary, “PHO is a type of Vietnamese soup, usually served with rice noodles, slices of […]

Draft Circular Proposing a 50% Reduction in Various Fees and Charges Across Multiple Sectors

Draft Circular Proposing a 50% Reduction in Various Fees and Charges Across Multiple Sectors

The Ministry of Finance is currently soliciting feedback on a draft circular that aims to continue reducing fees and charges to support business activities. The Ministry of Finance has reported to the Prime Minister regarding the continuation of fee reductions in 2024. Specifically, it proposes to maintain the reduction of approximately 36 fees and charges, […]

Price framework for tax calculation for groups and types of resources with similar physical and chemical properties and guidance on resource tax.

Price framework for tax calculation for groups and types of resources with similar physical and chemical properties and guidance on resource tax.

On May 20, 2024, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 41/2024/TT-BTC amending and supplementing some provisions of Circular No. 44/2017/TT-BTC regulating the price framework for resource tax calculation for groups and types of resources with similar physical and chemical properties and Circular 152/2015/TT-BTC guiding on resource tax. The Circular includes 3 articles: - Amendment […]


I have a question regarding the division of inheritance. Both my parents have passed away, so what do we need to do to distribute the estate among siblings in the family? Answer: In terms of procedural sequence, the process of dividing inheritance can be imagined as follows: The heirs must notify the opening of inheritance […]


TRANSFER OF LAND OWNERSHIP IN VIETNAM I have a quick question regarding the transfer of land ownership. Currently, I am abroad and unable to return to Vietnam. However, due to my family facing difficulties, I want to transfer the ownership of land in Vietnam to someone else. Can you advise if there is a method […]

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