Procedures for Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory at the Facility Level in the Industry and Trade Sector

Question: Dear Lawyer, Our company is subject to the facility-level greenhouse gas emissions inventory requirement under the Industry and Trade sector, as stipulated in Decision No. 13/2024/QĐ-TTg issued by the Prime Minister on August 13, 2024. We have not undertaken this task before. Therefore, we seek your advice on the procedures and steps for preparing […]
Application for a license to establish a Retail Outlet other than the first Retail Outlet

Question: Our company, a foreign-invested enterprise operating in the fashion retail sector, currently has a retail outlet in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City. We are planning to open a new retail outlet in a booth around 100m2 within a shopping mall in this area. Could you please advise on the steps required to proceed […]
Unilateral Right of the Company to Terminate the Employment Contract with the Employee

Question: My company recruited an employee for a sales position, however during the work process, this employee often failed to complete targets and received negative feedback from customers. In this case, does the company have the right to unilaterally terminate the labor contract (LC) with this employee? Answer: According to Point a, Clause 1, Article […]
Ownership of housing in Vietnam for Vietnamese citizens residing abroad

Question: I am a Vietnamese citizen residing abroad, and currently, my parents and younger brother are in Vietnam. I would like to purchase a house in Vietnam. In my case, am I allowed to own property in Vietnam? Answer: According to the 2008 Law on Nationality, as amended in 2014, it stipulates that "Vietnamese residing […]
Procedures for issuing and changing Certificates of Land Use Rights and Ownership of Houses and other Land-attached Assets already issued

Question: In 2011, my Company was granted the Certificates of Land Use Rights and Ownership of Houses and Other Land-Attached Assets for a plot located in the High-Tech Land Area where our current factory is situated. However, in 2024, due to administrative boundary changes, the current address of this plot has changed from the address […]
Vietnamese legal regulations regarding inheritance procedures

Question: My husband and I, both British nationals, have been lived and working in Vietnam. Six months ago, my husband returned to the UK and unfortunately passed away, leaving a will drafted in the UK. The will includes an inheritance of an apartment in a apartment building in District 2, which was his separate property, […]
Consultation on the HS Code for the Coating Powder Product (powder coating)

Question: Our company intends to import coating powder (powder coating) for distribution in Vietnam. Please advise on the HS code to be used when importing this item. Answer: Regarding the request for advice on HS codes of powder coating products, our opinion is as follows: Based on the customer’s preliminary description, according to the current […]
Draft Circular Amending and Supplementing Certain Provisions of Circulars on Securities Transactions on the Securities Trading System; Securities Transaction Clearing and Settlement; Operations of Securities Companies and Information Disclosure on the Securities Market

The draft Circular proposes regulations on share purchase transactions by foreign institutional investors. Specifically, Clause 2, Article 1 of the draft Circular proposes adding Article 9a, which regulates share purchase transactions by foreign institutional investors, after Article 9 of Circular 120/2020/TT-BTC, as follows: (1) Securities companies shall assess the payment risk of foreign institutional investors […]
Draft Decree Detailing Certain Provisions of the Law on Archives

The Ministry of Home Affairs is drafting a Decree detailing certain provisions of the 2024 Law on Archives. Accordingly, the basic contents of the draft Decree detailing certain provisions of the 2024 Law on Archives include: (1) Master Data Identification - The master data of the database for archival documents of the Vietnam State Archives […]