Newsletter Febuary, 2025

Newsletter Febuary, 2025

Tax - Fees - Charges• Amendments and supplements to the export-import tariff and the management of taxes for enterprises with related party transactions. Commerce• Classification of statistics by economic sectors. Investment• Guidelines on investment law regarding special investment procedures and amendments to decrees on public procurement law. Accounting - Auditing• State Audit Office issues guidelines […]

Legal Newsletter – Week from February 24, 2025, to February 28, 2025

Commerces New Mechanism for managing oil and gasoline business Draft Circular on trade defense measures Draft Circular on rules of origin of goods in the free trade agreement (Draft 2) Finance - Bank Issuing a Decision that regulates the functions, tasksm powers, and organizational structure of the Department of Planning, Finance, and Enterprise Management Immigration […]


Jurisdiction for Divorce Settlement When Both Spouses Reside Abroad Ms. N.T.M and Mr. N.C.V registered their marriage in H Province, Vietnam, in 2021. After getting married, they moved to Japan to live and work. By 2025, due to irreconcilable marital conflicts, they decided to divorce. If both spouses are currently residing, studying, or working in […]

Carbon Credits – Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnamese Enterprises

What are carbon credits and why are they being emphasized?Climate change is a global challenge that forces countries and businesses to seek solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of the most important tools currently available is carbon credits, which are seen as a financial mechanism to encourage green projects and help businesses meet their […]

Important Considerations When Merging a Single-Member LLC and a Multi-Member LLC

Question: My company is currently a single-member limited liability company, and I am planning to merge with my friend's company, which is a two-member limited liability company. Could you advise me on the key issues to consider during the merger process? Answer: Based on the information provided by you, SB Law has the following considerations: […]