Draft 01 Decree on land use fees, land rent

Amending and Supplementing Several Provisions of the Land Law, Housing Law, Real Estate Business Law, and the Law on Credit Institutions

On April 12, 2024, the Ministry of Finance drafted a Decree on land use fees, land rent. This Decree is built according to the Land Law 2024. The Decree includes 11 chapters, 173 articles, detailing the implementation of some articles, clauses of the Land Law No. 31/2024. According to the Draft, the Decree applies to […]

The List and Assignment of Leading Agencies for Drafting Detailed Implementation Regulations for the Law on Credit Institutions and the Land Law.

Land Law

On April 10, 2024, the Prime Minister issued Decision 299/QD-TTg on the issuance of the Catalogue and assignment of leading agencies for drafting detailed implementation regulations for the Law on Credit Institutions and the Land Law, which was passed by the 15th National Assembly at its fifth extraordinary session. The Decision stipulates the responsibilities of […]

Extension and Postponement of the Deadline for Payment of Mineral Exploitation Rights Fee


On April 12, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter No. 1541/TCT-QLN regarding the extension of the deadline for the payment of the mineral exploitation rights fee and the postponement of the deadline for the payment of the mineral exploitation rights fee due to the temporary suspension of mining activities for mining enterprises. […]

Response to Corporate Income Tax Policy

Guidance on Tax Policy

On April 12, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter No. 1517/TCT-CS regarding depreciation of fixed assets and income from real estate transfer. Regarding depreciation for fixed assets According to legal regulations, if a business purchases an apartment for leasing purposes, and if there are no documents proving ownership by the business as […]

Transfer of remaining deductible value-added tax after the Branch ceases operations

Transfer of remaining deductible value-added tax after the Branch ceases operations

On April 15, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter No. 1569/TCT-KK regarding the transfer of remaining deductible value-added tax (VAT) after the Branch ceases operations. According to legal regulations, in the case where the Branch of the Company located in Hanoi City is a dependent unit of the Parent Company and ceases […]

Response to Tax Policy

Recording Receipts and Expenditures for Land Use Rights Transfer

On April 15, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Letter No. 1555/TCT-CS regarding tax policy. Based on legal regulations, in principle, a new investment project is a project carried out for the first time or an independent project separate from an ongoing investment project; an expansion investment project is an investment project that […]

In response to the tax policy issues related to Personal Income Tax

In response to the tax policy issues related to Personal Income Tax

On April 11, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Circular No. 1504/TCT-DNNCN addressing the complexities of tax policies concerning the transfer of shares in joint-stock companies where shareholders contribute capital using real estate. According to legal provisions, individuals who contribute capital using real estate are not required to declare or pay taxes on the […]