Food & Beverage (“F&B”) Business in Vietnam

Question: I am foreigner investor and would like to know more about Food & Beverage (“F&B”) Business in Vietnam, how to set up company in this field in Hanoi Vietnam? Answer: We understand that you would like to have our advice on establishment of 100% Foreign Invested Company (hereinafter referred to as “FIC’) which is owned by […]
Set up cafe business in Vietnam

Question: I would like to enquire about establishing a 100% foreign invested company in Vietnam (Nha Trang). The nature of business would be to establish a Cafe business. I wish to start with one Cafe and from there-on gradually expand by personally investing and by attracting franchisees. As first location I am interested in Nha […]
Seeking legal advices for transferring its properties attached to land lot

Question: We are now seeking legal advices for transferring its properties attached to land lot of 11.200 m2 in Industrial Park in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as “Properties”), please advise the legal procedure and legal fee? Answer: 1.PROCEDURES FOR TRANSFERRING PROPERTIES ATTACHED TO LEASED LAND LOT We noted that Client leased the land lot lot […]
Annual fee for the inventions/ utility solutions/designs in Vietnam

Question: We would also want to know more details about the annual fee for the inventions/ utility solutions/designs, and the fee for responding the office action. Answer: Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the intellectual property registration proceeding in Vietnam as follows: […]