In accordance with the Decree No. 115/2016/ND-CP, a fine of from VND 5 million to VND 10 million shall be imposed for advertising a domestic or medical pesticide or germicide against the advertisement certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and the fine for advertising is from VND 10 million to VND 20 million.
Another important content is that a fine of from VND 01 million to VND0 2 million shall be imposed for selling less than 5 kilograms or 5 liters of an expired domestic or medical pesticide or germicide, a pesticide or germicide that does not meet registered standards approved by the Ministry of Health, a domestic or medical pesticide or germicide which is not granted a certificate of free sale in Vietnam. The maximum fine of VND 50 million for manufacturing, bottling, packaging a domestic or medical pesticide or germicide where a Certificate of free sale in Vietnam of such pesticide or germicide has not been granted.
Also in accordance with this Decree, a fine of from VND 7 million to VND 10 million shall be imposed for failure to classify chemicals before using or selling chemicals according to regulations of law on labeling and classifying chemicals. A fine of from VND 5 million to VND 7 million shall be imposed for using or selling hazardous chemicals without a chemical safety note and a fine of from VND 1 million to VND 3 million shall be imposed for failure to write sufficient about hazardous chemicals on the chemical safety note.
This Decree takes effect on September 15, 2016.