Employment contract under Vietnam Labor Code

SBLAW would like to provide foreign investor some information about employment contract under Vietnam Labor Code as follows: 1. Type of Employment Contract Under Vietnam Labor Law, employment contract must be concluded in one of the following types: Employment contracts without fixed term in which both Parties do not specify the term and the expiry […]
Trade Union under the Vietnam Labor Code

Under Vietnamese law, Trade Union is defined as an organization of the workers class and Vietnamese workers who represents and protects the legitimate rights and interests of employees, civil-servants, state employees and workers, educating workers and mobilizing workers to study for their self-improvement of knowledge and professional skills as well as compliance with the Vietnamese […]
Labor contract under Vietnam Labor Code

Labor Code of Vietnam 1994, amended in 2002, 2006, 2007 and 2011 covers many aspects of labor relationships including employment, contract, wages, working hours and holidays, collective labor agreement, occupational safety and hygiene, separate provisions on female employees, resolution for labor disputes, trade unions, social insurance, etc. Under Vietnamese law, labor contract shall be entered […]