Significant chances for Vietnam regardless of uncertain TPP
Although the future of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is still in question, opportunities for Vietnam are considerable, many experts, officials and entrepreneurs said at a consultation workshop in Hanoi on November 25. Vietnam has reviewed legal regulations in various fields recently to prepare for TPP. Though it is just an initial step, it is […]
FTA commitments open opportunity for Vietnam
(VOVworld)-Joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and signing a Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) will create an opportunity for Vietnam to bring its intellectual property rules in line with international standards. A Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement will have a significant impact on Vietnam’s economic and legal institutions, particularly regarding intellectual property. Director of the WTO and […]
Opposition proceeding in Laos
Laotian trademark system is based on a first-to-file principle. The current trademark law of Laos is silent regarding opposition proceeding and trademark applications are not published for opposition purpose. However, in practice, opposition against a prior-filed mark can be performed on case-by-case basis upon provision of (i) a sufficient evidence of worldwide registration and use […]
Opposition Proceeding of Trademark in Cambodia.
Within 90 days after the publication date of the application in the Official Gazette, any interested person may lodge an opposition against the registration of the mark and in such a case, it has to present the grounds for opposition and provide evidences on which the opposition is based. For filing an opposition against a […]