Do traders have to satisfy certain conditions to carry out commercial franchise?
In order to perform commercial franchise, concerned parties have to satisfy certain conditions prescribed by law. The franchisors must satisfy the following conditions: - The business system intended for franchise has been in operation for at least one year. Where a Vietnamese trader is the primary franchisee of a foreign franchisor, such Vietnamese […]
What is commercial franchise?
According to Article 284 of Commercial Law 2005 of Vietnam, commercial franchise means a commercial activity whereby franchisors permit and require franchisees to undertake by themselves to purchase or sell goods or provide services on the following condistions: 1. The purchase or sale of goods or provision of services shall be conducted in accordance with […]
What are commercial rights?
Article 3(6) of Decree No. 35/2006/ND-CP provides that ''commercial rights" includeone, several or all of the following rights: a) Right granted to the franchisee by the franchisor that also requests the franchisee to undertake by itself the business of supplying goods or providing services within a system set up by the franchisor and associated with […]
Which legal documents of Vietnam stipulate commercial franchise?
Commercial franchise is provided in the following legal documents: - Vietnam Commercial Law 2005 - Decree No. 35/2006/ND-CP dated 31/3/2006 by the Government detailing implementation of Commercial Law 2005 regarding Franchising - Circular No. 09/2006/TT-BTM dated 25/5/2006 by the Ministry of Trade guiding the procedures of commercial franchise registration. Besides, if commercial franchise is related […]