Promulgate national technical regulations on marine pollution prevention systems of ships

Nội dung bài viết

On May 29, 2024, the Minister of Transport issued Circular 14/2024/TT-BGTVT on National Technical Regulations on marine pollution prevention systems of ships.

National technical regulations on marine pollution prevention systems of ships (number: QCVN 26: 2024/BGTVT) compiled by the Vietnam Register, submitted for approval by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry Science and Technology appraisal, Minister of Transport issued according to Circular 14/2024/TT-BGTVT dated May 29, 2024. QCVN 26: 2024/BGTVT replaces QCVN 26: 2018/BGTVT issued together with Circular 09/2019/TT-BGTVT dated March 1, 2019.

This national technical regulation regulates the inspection, structures and pollution prevention equipment installed on Vietnamese ships, fixed and mobile platforms at sea, and floating storage facilities used for The purpose of oil and gas exploration and exploitation at sea operating in Vietnamese waters (hereinafter referred to as "vessel").

This regulation applies to organizations and individuals whose activities are related to pollution prevention systems from ships within the scope of regulation, including the Vietnam Register, ship owners, design establishments, building, converting and repairing ships, engine manufacturing facilities, and pollution prevention equipment installed on ships.

General regulations in QCVN 26: 2024/BGTVT are as follows:

- Relevant requirements in the National Technical Regulations on classification and construction of steel-hull ships apply to materials, equipment, installation and workmanship of pollution prevention equipment. sea, unless there are other requirements specified in this Regulation. 

- Other ship pollution prevention equipment that is not required by this Regulation, if installed, must also comply with the requirements that the Register considers appropriate. 

- In case there are special reasons for not satisfying certain requirements of the Regulations, the structure and pollution prevention equipment of the ship may comply with other requirements that the Register considers appropriate, based on the requirements of the Regulations. 

- In case this Regulation does not provide details on technical standards, calculation and inspection methods, the shipowner or the shipowner's representative can request the Register to apply the relevant regulations in the regulations. guidelines and regulations of classification organizations of the International Association of Classification Organizations (IACS) and guidelines and codes of IMO.

Circular 14/2024/TT-BGTVT takes effect from December 1, 2024 and replaces Circular 09/2019/TT-BGTVT dated March 1, 2019.


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