Principles for the Use of the Information System and the National Database on Construction Activities

Nội dung bài viết

On September 6, 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 111/2024/NĐ-CP, which provides regulations on the information system and the National Database on Construction Activities.

*Information System and the National Database on Construction Activities

The Decree defines the information system and the National Database on Construction Activities as follows:

- The information system for construction activities consists of hardware, software, and a database on construction activities, established for the purpose of creating, providing, transmitting, collecting, processing, storing, exchanging, and sharing information online.

- The National Database on Construction Activities is a database covering construction activities across the territory of Vietnam, organized and arranged for access, exploitation, sharing, management, maintenance, and updating through electronic means, meeting the information access and usage requirements of various economic sectors and serving the public interest.

- The National Database on Construction Activities includes:

  • Database on construction planning;
  • Database on construction investment projects and construction works;
  • Database on construction norms, construction project costs, construction price indices, and other activities related to construction investment.

- The database on construction norms, construction project costs, and construction price indices is implemented in accordance with the Government’s regulations on construction investment cost management.

*Principles for Using the Information System and the National Database on Construction Activities

Decree No. 111/2024/NĐ-CP also outlines four principles for the establishment, updating, management, exploitation, and use of the information system and the National Database on Construction Activities:

- The information system and the National Database on Construction Activities are developed, managed, and maintained centrally, uniformly, and comprehensively from the central to local levels.

- The information system and the National Database on Construction Activities are established and updated to provide comprehensive, accurate, and timely information on construction activities, meeting the requirements of state management in construction investment.

- The information system and the National Database on Construction Activities are maintained for continuous, stable, and smooth operation, and the data is stored long-term to meet the exploitation and usage needs of agencies, organizations, and individuals as prescribed by law.

- The establishment, updating, management, exploitation, and use of the information system and the National Database on Construction Activities must comply with this Decree and the laws on information technology, electronic transactions, information security, cybersecurity, and access to information, as well as regulations on managing, connecting, and sharing digital data of state agencies.

The Decree takes effect on November 1, 2024.


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