Corporate and M&A

Nội dung dịch vụ

Being well aware of that Merge and Acquisition (M&A) in Vietnam transactions are expected to configure an investment trend in Vietnam.

Corporate and M&A

SB LAWs’ lawyers and experts have worked out an unique set of solutions and research including legal frameworks, roadmaps that directly address M&A issues in order to minimize potential risks.

We assist our client in due diligence study, identify associated commercial risks, preparing and/or reviewing legal documents, designing M&A deals and negotiation etc.

Our practical advises, dedication have been highly appreciated by clients as valuable contribution for the success of their M&A deals in Vietnam.

We assist clients in both cross-border M&A transactions and direct acquisition in Vietnam.

15. M_A Advisory Banner
M_A Advisory

Our major M&A deals include the followings among others:

  • Representing Viettel Real Estate Corporation garding the transferof a  construction project of DAEWOON-HANCIC office building to Korean investor: consulting the feasibility of the transaction, advising, reviewing related documents, agreements and contracts.
  • Representing Yen Tho Mechanical JSC in acquisition of the manufacturing project from foreign investor, includedconsulting the feasibilityof the transaction, preparing related documents, contracts andhandling thelicensingprocedures.
  • Representing Viettel Housing Trade Corporation in acquisition of Blue Saphir Binh Phuproject: consulting the feasibility of the transaction, advising, reviewing related  documents, agreements, drafting contracts;
  • Representing Innovar Floor Sdn Bhd to transfera part of capital contribution in a joint venture of distribution of flooring in Vietnam to a Vietnamese investor, advising the process of transaction, drafting related documents, negotiating the transfer and registering the capital transfer with competent authority;
  • Representing Viettel Housing Trade Corporation in acquisition of Golden Palaceproject: researching on the feasibility of the transaction, consulting, reviewing related documents, agreements, drafting contracts;
  • Representing BVI in acquisition of capital contribution of 5 companies in advertising and communication services in Vietnam.
  • Representing a Vietnamese company in acquisition of a real estate project in Bac Giang province, includedconsulting the structure of the transaction, preparing related  documents/ contracts and licensingprocedures.
  • Representing a foreign investor to transfer a manufacturing project to foreign investor, includeddrafting and negotiating the transactional contracts.

15. M_A Advisory


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