Banking and finance

Nội dung dịch vụ

Since its establishment, SBLAW has been an important partner in the banking industries, serving many banking and non-banking credit institutions in Vietnam.

Our highly skilled and experienced banking lawyers and consultants with high ability to access resources relating to Banking and Finance Policies in Vietnam are equipped with powerful research capabilities and innovative thinking to provide real business results.

The benefit that SBLAW deliver to Client including but not limited to identify and quantify potential risks in credit transactions, assistance in formation of Bank, branches or representative of Bank, banking policies study, structuring loan transaction, reviewing and designing loan contract etc.

SBLAW's Client in the field of Finance and Banking includes but not limited to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Hanoi Branch, Military Joint Stock Commercial Bank; DBS Bank; Agricultural Bank Insurance Joint Stock Corporation; PetroVietnam Finance Corporation etc.

Legal Advise Banking
Legal Advise Banking

Our major finance deals include the followings among others:

  • Acting for a Local Bank to release a loan up to 500,000USD. This includes analyzing risks of project, advising on mortgage, drafting loan agreement;
  • Acting for a Local Bank to issue an offshore bank guarantee for capital contribution undertakings up to 1,000,000 USD. This includes analyzing risk of project, structuring the transactions, advising on mortgage, drafting guarantee agreement;
  • Acting for a Foreign Bank to release a loan up to 4,000,000 USD. This includes reviewing and finalizing loan structure, mortgage agreement and loan agreement in line of Vietnam Law;
  • Acting for a Local Company regarding to restructuring from Finance Company into Commercial Bank. This includes feasibility studies for the projects, studying legal frame of Vietnam, precedents and the Government opinions regarding to the subjected matters;
  • Supporting a non-government organization in studies of Strengthening the governance and management capacity of Vietnam Association of People's Credit Fund (VAPCF) and Technical assistance to People's Credit Funds (PCF);
  • Supporting a Foreign Bank in studies for foreign currency policies of Vietnam. This includes advices on Vietnam's Legal frame on Foreign Currency as well as short term and long term strategies of Vietnam Government regarding to Foreign Currency.


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