Plans for Restructuring Public Service Units for the Development of the Network of Public Service Units in the Transport Sector

Nội dung bài viết

On May 29, 2024, the Ministry of Transport issued Official Dispatch No. 5712/BGTVT-TCCB regarding the review, inventory, and proposal of plans for restructuring public service units, in service of the development of the network of public service units in the transport sector.

To gather information and data for the development of the network of public service units in the transport sector, the Ministry of Transport requests your agency or organization to:

  1. Review and inventory the public service units under your management that are providing public services within the regulatory scope of the Ministry of Transport (Refer to Appendix I attached for a list of public services in the transport sector).
  2. Assess the organization and operation of public service provision in the transport sector by the public service units under your management. This assessment should clarify the role of public service units in the development of your agency, organization, or locality, and identify any advantages, difficulties, and obstacles encountered during the implementation process, particularly in the establishment, reorganization, or dissolution of these units.
  3. Forecast the demand for public service provision in the transport sector by the public service units under your management, in relation to the socio-economic development of the ministry, sector, locality, agency, or unit. Based on this, propose plans to reorganize and consolidate the public service units in the future (using the form provided in Appendix II attached).
  4. Submit your agency's or organization's report to the Ministry of Transport by June 10, 2024, for consolidation.


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