List of national databases; building, updating, maintaining, exploiting and using national databases

Nội dung bài viết

On May 9, 2024, the Government issued Decree 47/2024/NĐ-CP on the list of national databases; building, updating, maintaining, exploiting and using national databases.

Accordingly, the subjects of exploitation and use of national data include:

  • State management agencies according to their functions and tasks of exploiting and using data in the national database to serve state management activities within their competence;
  • Agencies, organizations and individuals permitted to exploit and use their own information in accordance with the law on management, connection, sharing of digital data of state agencies and protection of personal information, personal data;
  • Agencies, organizations and individuals who exploit and use information in the national database in accordance with the regulations on exploitation and use of the national database issued by the competent authority managing the national database.

Data is shared between national databases, between national databases and ministerial, sectoral and local databases, and other information systems in the form of default sharing; through the National Data Integration and Sharing Platform and the Provincial and Local Data Integration and Sharing Platform and other platforms.

Agencies, organizations and individuals exploit and use data from the national database through the National Data Portal, the National Public Service Portal, the Electronic Information Portal of the competent authority managing the national database, the national identification application, the electronic identification and authentication platform and other means provided by the competent authority.

Agencies, organizations and individuals have the right to extract their own information from the national database.

This Decree takes effect from May 9, 2024.


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