Issuance of Decree regulating grassroots information activities

Nội dung bài viết

On May 10, 2024, the Government issued Decree 49/2024/NĐ-CP regulating grassroots information activities.

This Decree regulates grassroots information activities; state management responsibilities for grassroots information activities; rights and obligations of agencies, organizations and individuals participating in grassroots information activities.

Grassroots information activities are the activities of providing essential information; receiving feedback information and response content of competent agencies, organizations and individuals to people's feedback information through the following forms:

  • Commune-level radio stations;
  • Public bulletin boards; grassroots information bulletins;
  • Non-business documents serving grassroots information activities;
  • Direct propaganda through grassroots propagandists;
  • Information portals or websites; social networks, messaging applications on the Internet;
  • Telecommunications messages.

Grassroots information activities must ensure the following principles:

  • Information is timely, accurate, transparent, and public in accordance with the level and needs of people in each region, especially in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, remote and border areas, islands.
  • Serve the direction and administration of local Party committees and authorities.
  • Ensure the implementation of the Party and State's communication policy, provide essential information to the people.
  • People are guaranteed and equal, not discriminated against in the exercise of their right to access information.
  • Respect people's contributions; receive feedback information and response content of competent agencies, organizations and individuals to people's feedback information.
  • Comply with legal regulations on ensuring security, order, social safety, protecting state secrets, and ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

This Decree takes effect from July 1, 2024.


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