Draft National Technical Regulation on Automobiles, Trailers, and Semi-Trailers

Nội dung bài viết

The Ministry of Transport is currently drafting a National Technical Regulation for automobiles, trailers, and semi-trailers participating in road traffic. The regulation is expected to take effect on January 1, 2025.

Regulations on the Inspection of Front Lighting (High Beam, Low Beam) as follows:

*Condition and Functionality:

Inspection method: Turn the lights on and off, observe, and use hands to gently shake the lights.

Evaluation criteria: The number, type, and installation position must conform to technical documentation; the installation must be secure, and no breakage should be present.

The color of the light from both sides must be either white or yellow.

The lens and reflector must not be cracked.

The lights must turn on when the switch is activated.

*Lighting Criteria for High Beam (Headlights):

Inspection method: Use a light measurement device. Place the measuring chamber centrally in front of the vehicle, at a distance according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Adjust the chamber to be parallel with the vehicle's front. Move the chamber towards the light being inspected, align it with the center of the light, start the engine, switch on the lights, press the measurement button, and record the results.

Evaluation criteria:

The brightest point must be below the horizontal line by 1% and above the horizontal line by -3%.

The brightest point must not deviate to the right of the vertical line by more than 3.5% or to the left by more than -1.7%.

The light intensity must exceed 10,000 cd.

*Lighting Criteria for Low Beam (Dipped Beam):

Inspection method: Use a light measurement device, adjust the chamber position, start the engine, turn on the lights, press the measurement button, and record the results.

Evaluation criteria:

The raised portion of the light beam must be on the right side in the direction of vehicle travel.

The intersection of the horizontal cutoff line on the left and the raised portion of the beam must not deviate to the left of the vertical line (0%) or to the right by more than 3%.

For lights installed at a height of no more than 850 mm from the ground: The horizontal cutoff line on the left must not be above the horizontal line by more than -0.5% or below it by more than -3%.

For lights installed at a height greater than 850 mm from the ground: The horizontal cutoff line on the left must not be above the horizontal line by more than -1.0% or below it by more than -3.5%.

*Regulation on Inspection Outside of Inspection Centers:

Inspection method: Turn on the high and low beams, then project them onto a flat surface to determine the beam direction.

Evaluation criteria:

The beam must not be completely misaligned, and the light source must be correctly installed for either high or low beam functions.


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