Draft Decree Detailing Certain Provisions of the Law on Archives

Nội dung bài viết

The Ministry of Home Affairs is drafting a Decree detailing certain provisions of the 2024 Law on Archives.

Accordingly, the basic contents of the draft Decree detailing certain provisions of the 2024 Law on Archives include:

(1) Master Data Identification

- The master data of the database for archival documents of the Vietnam State Archives must be consistent with the master data of archival records and documents and aligned with the data structure of records and documents of the Vietnam State Archives.

- The master data of archival records includes: record code, record title, retention period, access level (usage mode), language, start date, end date, keywords, total number of documents in the record, number of sheets (if any), number of pages, physical condition (if any), information code (if any), reliability level, original paper record code (if any), backup copy creation mode, backup copy status, and notes.

- The master data of archival documents includes: document identifier code, document archive code, retention period, document type name, document number, document symbol, date, issuing agency/organization/individual, summary of content, language, number of pages, number of sheets (if any), information code, keywords, access level (usage mode), reliability level, handwriting (if any), physical condition (if any), processing procedure (if any), backup copy creation mode, backup copy status, and notes.

- The master data of film/photo archival documents includes: document archive code, retention period, classification (negative/photo), archive number (specific), information code (if any), event name, film/photo title, author, location of the shot, shooting time, color, film/photo size, accompanying documents (if any), access level (usage mode), physical condition (if any), backup copy creation mode, backup copy status, and notes.

- The master data of audio/visual archival documents includes: document archive code, retention period, classification (audio/video), archive number (specific), information code (if any), event name, film/audio title, author, location, time, language, duration, accompanying documents (if any), access level (usage mode), quality, physical condition (if any), backup copy creation mode, backup copy status, and notes.

(2) Exploitation and Use of the Database

- The database of archival documents in the Vietnam State Archives is established to serve common exploitation and usage, meeting the needs of agencies, organizations, individuals, and citizens seeking information from archival documents.

- Target users:

+ State management agencies, according to their functions and duties, exploit and use archival data in the Vietnam State Archives database to serve state management activities within their authority.

+ Agencies, organizations, and individuals are allowed to exploit and use their own information according to legal provisions on the management, connection, and sharing of state agency data and the protection of personal information and personal data.

+ Agencies, organizations, and individuals exploit and use information in the Vietnam State Archives database according to regulations issued by the database owner.

- Forms of data exploitation and usage:

+ Agencies, organizations, and individuals with data in the system or integrated data have the right to read and extract their information within the system.

+ Agencies, organizations, and individuals wishing to exploit other data in the system can send a request to the database owner or system management unit for information provision from the archival document database.

(3) Business Conditions for Technical Infrastructure for the Preservation of Paper Archival Documents and Documents on Other Information Media

- Fully meet the conditions for providing digital archival services as stipulated in the 2024 Law on Archives.

- Have a storage facility for paper archival documents and documents on other information media in compliance with the provisions of Chapter III of this draft Decree.

- Have at least 03 technical and archival professionals with a university degree or higher in chemistry (01 person), archival studies (01 person), and fire prevention (01 person).


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